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Apples, Chapel, and More

It has been yet another fun week in Pre-K as we studied the letter A, numbers 4 and 5, and the Tower of Babel. We also enjoyed Mrs. Pfortmiller coming and doing our first chapel with us.


Practicing writing the number 5 on our giant white board wall.


For science we painted apples with baking soda and vinegar and watched them fizz and bubble as we painted.


When we finished painting we had some fun with our extra baking soda and vinegar (messes are always fun).


A bus came to visit the Kindergarteners, so we hopped on and explored the bus as well.

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To go along with our study of the letter A, we spent a lot of time with apples. On Tuesday we tasted 3 different color apples and made a graph of our favorite.


We painted A’s and hung them as decorations in our centers room.


We now know sign language for u, i, e, and a.  Some are tricky to do, but we are getting quicker and quicker every week.

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When Mrs. Pfortmiller came to do chapel, she talked to us about the fruit of the spirit. We focused on kindness and used grapes to see how Mrs. Pfortmiller was showing us kindness.

Class: Uncategorized

Pre-K: The First Few Weeks



The first few weeks of Pre-K have been so much fun.  We have enjoyed getting to know one another and learning all about how our afternoon runs. We have worked hard to learn each other’s names, and we definitely know how to have a good time with all of our new friends. While have so much fun, we have also been hard at work to learn many new things.  In Bible we talked about creation, Adam and Eve, and Noah.  We also learned the letters I, U, and E in those first few weeks. We can identify them, write them, tell the sound, and sign them.  In math we worked on the numbers 1, 2, & 3. We’ve also had a chance to do many fun projects and activities along the way.


Class: Uncategorized