Author Archives: Dawn Burkett

CCS Grade 2 Spelling words

List 6 spelling words for the week of September 22-26,2014

These words follow the A beka special sounds:

spl in splash, scr in scream, squ in squeak, spr in sprain, str in stream, and thr in three.

splash, split

spray, spring, sprinkle

scrap, scrape, scrub

strip, stripe, strike, street

squeak, squeal, squish

thrill, three, throw

Sight words:   here, there


Class: Second Grade

Gr. 2 Spelling List 5

The following are the Spelling List words for Grade Two for the week of September 15-19, 2014. 

List 5

These words follow the special phonics sounds:

st in stop; sm in smoke; sn in snack; sl in sleep; sw in swim.

stand, still, fast, cost, best, twist

smell, smile, snap, snail, snuggle

slant, sled, slip, slide,

swam, sweep, sweet

Sight words:  you, what

Class: Second Grade

CCS Gr. 2 “Whoooo’s in Second Grade?”

Our 2nd grade hallway bulletin board turned out very cute!  Great job, second graders!  A special thank you to all the moms who helped!  Also, thank you to Mrs. Clarahan for making the tree!  We couldn’t have done it without your all of your wonderful help!  We had a fun time!  –Mrs. Pfortmiller & Mrs. Burkett

Whooo's in Second Grade?

Whooo’s in Second Grade?

Class: Second Grade

CCS Gr. 2, Spelling List 4

The following words are the second grade spelling list 4 for the week of September 8-12, 2014.

These words use the special phonics sounds: fr in frog, tr in train, cr in crab, pr in pray, br in bride, dr in drum, and gr in grin.

List 4
fry, frost, free,

tree, treat, trust,

brush, brave,

cross, creek,

dry, drop, dress,

press, print, prize,

grass, grape,

Sight words:    from, of

Class: Second Grade

CCS Grade 2 Spelling List 3

List 3 Spelling words
(for the week of September 1-5)

These words use the special A beka phonics sounds: 
bl in block, cl in clock, fl in flake, gl in glue, and pl in plane.

bless, blast, blond, clock, clap, class, club, flag, flat, float, fly, glad, glass, globe, plus, plate, please, are, was were.

Class: Second Grade