Author Archives: Dawn Burkett

Gr 2 Spelling List 23

Spelling List 23 for the week of March 2-6, 2015

Special phonics sounds are:
ew in flew, ew in few, au in faucet ad aw in saw.

List 23 words are as follows:

grew, chew, knew, new, mew, 

haul, cause, pause, sauce, saucer,

law, paws, draw, straw, lawn, dawn, crawl

Sight words: Contractions

he’s,  it’s,  who’s

Vocabulary words:

succeed: to do something well

impossible: not able to be done

amazed: surprised

Class: Second Grade

GR 2 Spelling List 22

Spelling List 22 for the week of Feb. 23-27, 2015

List 22 special phonics sounds are:

mb in lamb; ild in child; ind in kind; and old in gold.

lamb, climb, thumb, combed, plumber

wild, child, 

wind, find, remind

told, sold, hold, cold, colder, fold, folder

Sight Words:  (contractions)

I’m; I’ve; I’ll

Vocabulary Words:

property: something a person owns

distant: far away

desire: to want

Class: Second Grade