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Fifth Grade

5th Grade Accepts Marshmallow Challenge

    OPPD issued a challenge to all 5th graders and we accepted. Using 20 strands of spaghetti, 1 yard of tape and string, build the tallest structure that could hold a marshmallow at the top.   Out of 8 teams we had 1 team actually complete the challenge and 1 team come close. It was much harder than we thought!  Congrats to Ben, Matt, and Rosa who built a structure 19 1/2 inches tall.

Ben Rosa Mat marsh win


EV EL KH marsh

KS, Rose marsh

KS marsh

Class: Fifth Grade

5S-January Book Report

This month, the students were to choose a historic novel and then create a book-in-a-bag. Each student chose 7 items to put in their bag which pointed towards a main theme, character, setting, plot, problem, or solution. They did a great job! Enjoy their work!

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Class: Fifth Grade